Film Snark

A bloodhound puppy (Copper) sits on the ground inside a fallen log with moss on it; a red fox pup (Todd) stands on top of the log and is peeking upside down over the edge to look at the bloodhound.
Disney Animated Features

The Fox and the Hound
Released: July 10th, 1981

Not spectacular, but it wasn't awful like some of the preceding ones. It gets a couple nostalgia points; it's cute.

Some of the animation here is precise and well thought out; some of it is kinda weird. I like the Widow Tweed immediately.

Notable Grossness

I literally just wish the owl's name wasn't Big Mama. :sigh: Amos Slade shouting "female" is actually pretty intense - I could do with a lot less of that. I wish the Widow Tweed had shot him in the guts. Also fat jokes. GREAT.

The music is really irritatingly boring. This is the era of the weird ass 70s/80s ballad for sure.


This was Grandpa Joe's last movie! 🙁 Amos Slade was played by the guy who played Grandpa Joe in Willy Wonka and it's his last film role. I wish Boomer wasn't just Tigger in woodpecker form. Pro Tip: grown-up Copper is Kurt Russel. YOU'RE WELCOME.

"Arooooooooo!" "My name's Copper. I'm a hound doooog." Omg. When Copper bays for the first time it's so damn cute. My entire heart.

I forgot about "The Best of Friends," and I started singing it once it started, but I remember it being a better song. "Copper, you're my very best friend." "And you're mine too, Tod." MY DAMN HEART. Tod - what a troublemaker!!! Runs right into the chicken coop. omg when Amos is shooting at little tiny Tod from like one inch away - come on man, he's just a baby!!!!! RUDE. Amos, an old white man with ruddy skin, gray hair and a bushy gray mustache, wearing a pair of white long underwear and a light brown hat with a dark brown band, stands outside shaking his fist, as a long gray gun barrel gets stuck into his stomach.  He puts his hands up.  The Widow Tweed, an old white woman with gray hair, glasses, a purple hat with a blue flower, a dark purple jacket, white apron and dark green skirt, holds the shotgun, her eyes narrowed and teeth gritted.  The caption reads, 'Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him, shoot him Widow Tweed'

Widow Tweed putting the gun in Amos' chest - fuckin'-a right, lady. I swear to god, if Amos said "female" one more time I was gonna leap through the screen and throttle him. But I wish Widow Tweed would have taken Tod to a fox sanctuary or a zoo or something, not just dropped him in the woods. To be honest, I think this movie could have done with 50% less time with the humans. It could have been very interesting if it wasn't just about one dude's vendetta against one fox. "Get back in there before I break your other leg." YOU DICK.

I get bored when Tod and Vixey are getting snuggly. Also I completely forgot most of the plot of this movie and when it got to the part with the bear I was like SHOCKED. Copper is a jerk though and Tod is the hero. Also, how is this the ending?! I demand a recount! WHY ARE THEY NOT BEST FRIENDS WITH LITTLE PUPPIES AND BABY FOXES PLAYING TOGETHER DON'T YOU KNOW HOW THIS WORKS, DISNEY?!

May 4th, 2021