Film Snark

Four white children are flying in the air with their arms out: Wendy, a preteen girl in a blue long nightgown with brown hair and a blue hair bow; Michael, a very young boy in a pink onesie with brown hair; John, a boy older than Michael, wearing a long white nightshirt and red slippers, with brown hair and round glasses; Peter Pan, a preteen boy with red hair, wearing a green shirt, green hat with a red feather, green leggings, and green slippers.
Disney Animated Features

Peter Pan
Released: February 5th, 1953

Let me tell you what. If I had remembered how much of this movie was based on Native American stereotyping and racist imagery, I would have skipped it. I thought it was just the one song but boy oh boy was I wrong. Almost half the movie is pretty damn disgusting.

Not gonna lie - I was expecting to love Peter Pan. I remember when I played Kingdom Hearts, and you go to Neverland and learn to fly for the first time, I actually cried because it was so amazing. I LOVE Captain Hook. He's so iconic and wonderful. I'm really disappointed at how much I disliked this movie.

Notable Grossness

:siiiiiiiiiiigh: The Native Americans. Lots of "redskins" and ridiculous bullshit abounds through most of the movie. I'm really disappointed, and I'm disappointed that I forgot.

The music is mostly boring. Other than "You Can Fly", nothing else really lands for me. I do like the part where Hook is trying to get the Lost Boys to sign up as pirates and he offers them a free tattoo - catchy line. As for animation - the best part is when they fly over Neverland and you see the map view of the world, and when they're flying off of Big Ben. The crocodile is handled really well, and I love the scene where Peter is doing the Hook impression in the cave. Smee is great and has some good one liners, among his bumbling. I hated that they replaced Tink drinking poison for a bomb. Just.......weird. This whole thing was just broad strokes, in story and in art. There's very little that's beautiful or interesting in this one. A huge green crocodile opens and closes his jaws as he comes out of the water. Captain Hook, a white man with long black hair, tattered clothes and a hook where his left hand used to be, stands on the croc's jaws trying not to be eaten.  The caption says 'This crocodile eats racists'

I remembered liking the Lost Boys a lot more. In this watch, I thought they were irritating and they were drawn to look kinda evil/bad. I would have loved to see them be innocent little kids having fun, not the bad boys from Pleasure Island who cause trouble, but that's what they reminded me of. In fact, I remembered liking Tinkerbell a lot more too. Mostly, I didn't like anybody in this movie (except Captain Hook and Michael because Michael is precious and must be protected at all costs). The parents were awful, Wendy was cardboard, John was a budding little racist, Peter is an asshole, and Tink is a traitor who does the right thing out of guilt, but not in an interesting way.

In all, I think what I love about Peter Pan the story was handled 8 million times better than this in Hook, which is a far far far superior movie. It captures all the same themes and moments, but it does it without being grossly racist or boring. The only reason this film is getting a D instead of an F is because only half the movie is racist, and there are some really funny moments - namely, Smee shaving Captain Hook, and Peter imitating him. Also the first appearance of the crocodile is iconic and wonderful.

February 23rd, 2021