Film Snark

A white child (Tildy) in a yellow dress with blue sleeves and a blue bonnet, who is holding the handle of a wagon with an animal (might be a cat) in it, stands behind a white child (Jeremiah) in a checkered red shirt and blue overalls, who is holding a black sheep.  Behind them is a fence and some tall green plants.
Disney Animated Features

So Dear to My Heart
Released: January 19th, 1949

This one is barely animated and it was boooooring.

This shouldn't even count as an animated film, tbh. But it's also......just bad.

Notable Grossness

A doll of a Native American won at a county fair, and glorification of Columbus - other than that, pretty much nothing.

This is so weird. There are some brief animated segments but they're........weird and seem out of place. This kid is trying to enter his black lamb into the county fair to win an award, that's the grander story. It feels like Charlotte's Web but much more boring. Also there's a moment in the movie where the religiosity gets pretty serious, and I half expected the grandma to start telling the kid to cleanse himself with self-flaggelation for daring to say that God couldn't take his pet lamb (i.e. let him die). I thought it was gonna go Rosemary's Baby for a minute. Granny Kincaid, a white woman in a long dark dress with a light colored long apron and a dark shawl, with brown hair, lifts a light towel off the ground, while looking down at Danny, a white child with blond hair in a red bathrobe who is kneeling on the ground.  The caption reads, 'Not the good towels again! That's it, I'm calling Christopher Columbus to give you a good talking-to about morality'

Anyway, it's weird and boring, and not a great combo of actors. There are a couple of interesting moments and clever turns of phrase, but all in all, I'm good if I never see this again. I'm grading it super low because the animated parts were useless, poorly written, and not relevant to the story.

January 26th, 2021