Film Snark

A brown fawn (Bambi) with brown eyes looks at a gray bunny (Thumper) with white tail and white chest fur; they are both smiling.
Disney Animated Features

Released: August 21st, 1942

I thought I was going to hate this but I didn't. I was REALLY surprised at how much I liked this.

Oh man. I have had the narrative in my head that I hate Bambi for like 20 years. I DO NOT HATE BAMBI. I like Bambi, it's precious, and the animation is excellent. The backgrounds show the life of the forest with a beautiful, almost Impressionistic artistic quality. The realistic movement of the deer, from fawn to adult, are accurate and emotionally moving; when they bolted from the meadow, my heart raced.

Notable Grossness


I also thought they did an excellent job of character building, again. The owl, the panicky quail, the other buck who tries to fight Bambi for Feline, they all felt so real to me. And watching the animals show affection for each other (like Bambi and Feline's kids at the end, where the one bites the other one's ear, or Flower and Bambi touching noses), just landed so much more for me than anything in Dumbo. Bambi, a young brown buck with his antlers stuck in a tree branch with pink flowers scrunches up his face while Feline, a young brown doe, licks his face.  The caption says, 'Get offa me'

The music, even though it's not particularly memorable (i.e. I couldn't sing along with it, or remember it specifically later), is beautiful. I love this era's choral numbers.

One note, it seemed like the spring song came too soon after Bambi's mother was killed. READ THE ROOM, BIRDS.

It occurs to me that years ago I had the idea for a dating app that used Twitter as a base for profiles, that I was going to call Twitterpated. I didn't realize I got that term from Bambi, but I sure did.

Also I sorted Bambi, Thumper, and Flower into Hogwarts houses (because of course I did) - Flower is a Hufflepuff ("He can call me a flower if he wants to."), Thumper is a Gryffindor (diving into the snow to slide out onto the ice, sticking his nose in caves), and Bambi is a Ravenclaw (because the minute he is introduced to the world, he tries to learn the names for everything). Fight me.

December 1st, 2020