Film Snark

Snow White, a young white girl with black hair, a red hair bow, and a blue, red and yellow dress, holds a red apple in her hand.  An extremely old white woman with a wart on her reddening nose, white hair, and a black cloak, holds Snow White's hands in herss.
Disney Animated Features

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Released: December 21st, 1937

Man I hate Snow White. I remembered hating it but haven't watched it in decades. Confirmed: I hate it.

The songs are irritating, the story is boring, let alone the usual "princess/prince" plot that is.....not great. The animation is fine, but I wish they had spent as much time on the character building as they did on the beautiful animation of the dwarves' instruments. It felt like it could have been a 30-minute movie that they dragged out.

Notable Grossness

No arguments can be made for "it was a different time" - I find it exceptionally irritating that Snow White's only skills seem to be singing (debatable) and cleaning house. Caveat: I absolutely love Sleeping Beauty, largely because most of the movie is barely about her, and the rest of the characters are so much more interesting. :shrug: I'm a hypocrite.

So much of my time watching this movie was me being angry at everything that came out of Grumpy's mouth. We spent altogether too much time watching the rest of the dwarves trying to force Grumpy to wash up. Sleepy, a white dwarf with white beard and hair, a green hat, and a tan tunic, looks on as Grumpy, a white dwarf with a white beard, red tunic with elbow patches, and brown hat shouts and wags his finger.  What he says, and is captioned, is 'And all females is poison! They're full of wicked wiles.'

Grumpy, you are annoying as hell.

This review might seem super harsh, but they solved basically every problem listed here in their very next animated film, Pinocchio, which I just started watching.

October 27th, 2020